Mr. Robert D. Tarleck

A view of the forum with Simultaneous interpretation of two languages


Mr. Seiichi Kawamura, D.V.M., Ph.D.,
Vice-President of T-AIR
Keynote lecture Ms. Jean Maeda, Education Marketing Officer, Canadian Embassy Canada and Japan
Panelist Mr. Robert D. Tarleck, M.A., M.E.d.,
Mayor of Lethbridge City
Mr. Harold B. Pereverseff,
President of Lethbridge Teinning Society
Mr. Geoffrey A. Brown,
Language Teacher, Educational Board of Towada City
Mr. Kenshiro Kawakami,
Managing director of Towada Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Ms. Toko Kudo,
A Member of Agricultural Committee of Towada City

Mr. Junichi Inamoto,
President of T-AIR

テーマ 海を挟んだ 水路開拓のまち
Thema Cities cultivated by canals kaking friends across the Pacific ciean

Ms. Naoko Henmi, Presenter

Ms. Jean Maeda

Friendship Exchange Forum between Towada and Lethbridge


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